24 - Preferred Sites

If you're ready to inspire what's next for your trip, this is the perfect place to start. 

Northern Sites

Syndicate trail /Milton Falls

Indian River

Cabrits National Park

Purple Turtle 

Cana Heritage Park, Capuchin

Morne Aux Diables/Cold Soufriere

Northeast Sites

Hampstead Estate

Red Rocks

Chaudiere Pool

Eastern Sites

1.Kalinago Barnana Aute

· 2. Emerald Pool 

3. Jacko Falls

2 .Spanny Falls 

Roseau Sites

Boeri Lake

Freshwater Lake

Titou Gorge 

Trafalgar Falls

Morne Bruce/Botanical Gardens/Jack's Walk

Old Market/Dominica Museum

Southern Sites

Scotts Head

Champagne Reef